Everybody should play this!

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
Chrono Cross takes plays 20 years after CT, it's a game based on Radical Dreamers (I finished both).
Gameplay:10/10 Deep battle system, IMO the best a RPG ever had.
Music:11/10 Even if you hate rpgs just play it for the music....it's genius...
Replay:12/10 There are 45 characters and you can't get all in 1 playthrough. They all have different text.
Marketing:0/10 SPREAD THE WORD PEOPLE! Just a few people know this gem...this....wow...
Story:10/10 You will be crying ALOT, not because it's sad but because it's so beautiful.......you will be like WTF this is IT this is what I want a story to be. It's so complex....you will be searching on fora for the answer, you will be playing it again and again.....And if you understand the story for 100% then you want Chrono 3!

PLAY IT it's worth your time....!