Chrono Cross is one of those games with it's own unique feel that strays far from any other game

User Rating: 9 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
not only does this game have a wonderful combat system..... it also has a great soundtrack and a beautiful art style....
this is a wonderful game
The combat is turn-based yet is changed up into something completely new making fighting enemies not only more fun than many other turn-base games but also creating a fresh feel making the game that much more fun to play....
the world is tropical-like with tons of color and detailed environments that tempt you to just stop and enjoy the view.... the great soundtrack adds to the whole atmosphere creating one of the most unique feeling RPG's around... and i mean the good unique...
not only does the game feel like nothing els but to add to it all its played between 2 separate time periods within the same world adding a twist to the gameplay and making everything all together much more interesting...
jumping world to world figuring out how to change the future by changing events in time is something no game at the time had done in the same way
this game is loaded with tons of characters
many of which are found doing side quests rather than the main game making exploring the world extensively much more fun than it would be to begin with...
every character has a back story and their very own personality... so much love went into the detail of this game it's amazing.... the story stays interesting although it isn't the best in the world and the game pulls you through.... any Japanese RPG fan owes it to themselves to play this game