Chrono Cross is an amazing game, Simple as that. I always enjoy replaying this masterpiece.

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
From the start of the game til the end, Chrono Cross offers an immersive, intuitive experience. It's full of entertaining dialogue, and a deep and complex plot that keeps the player wanting more. The game offers a multitude of options and customization, starting from what elements you get to use to what players you get to play with. Each player has unique dialogue which never gets tiring, as well as a change in gameplay and story. You'll want to play it over and over again to unlock all the story paths and features, and endings. Although some story points can be confusing, this doesn't distract you from enjoying the game to its fullest. As a sequel, it definitely measures up, while still offering a completely new game. I definitely give this game a 10/10. Out of all the games I have played, this is the best there is!