Hundreds of character options, different story lines, and a bad guy to tie it all up in a bow. What else do you need?

User Rating: 10 | Chrono Cross (PSOne Books) PS
I swear, I could go through this game 3 or 4 times and still not get every single character available. There are characters both good and bad and some characters you can even lose and never get back. It's very complex and very difficult to get through. The story is also petty unique with the ability to travel back and forth between the dimensions and the tie in to the original game, Chrono Trigger. Plus, with so many characters, you can actually make your own story line as you converse with and partner up with different characters. The combat system is pretty unique to, with the wait and strike system. You have to basically charge up your action in order to use different abilities and I do love the magic system in this game too. It allows me to really customize characters as I see fit. The only flaw I would say is that, I can't switch out my army of characters during battle. Then again, I don't think any RPG until Final Fantasy X actually had the character change out feature.