Chotto Shot, an excellent accessory for the PSP! Top Notch! Especially if you have updated to firmware 3.00 or higher.^^

User Rating: 9.2 | Chotto Shot PSP
I bought the Chotto Chot from a Japanese store about a week ago, I have been using it constantly, at first I was sort of upset that you could only record 14 seconds of video, but if you update your psp firmware to 3.00 or higher (which has the PS3 functionallity and new features as well) you can record more. It may not be the best for high quality pictures, but it is pefect for videos and such, I am using it to record trips I'm taking and uploading them to the internet. It is nice since its so small, so thats even better, considering the size it has fairly good sound quality so thats a plus.

Some of the bad things about it would probably be that it dosent have the greatest composure, so you cant flash it up towards light and still have a good picture, but that is expected, another thing to watch out for is the fact it gets dust in it easy, so keep it stored if you arent using it because it is a PAIN to clean out.

My overall review for the Chotto Shot -9 out of 10-