No soccer moms on this one.

User Rating: 6.9 | Chiller ARC
Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit?Lame graphics but godlike bloodyness. Brutal and gruesome, play this if you can find it. Where were the soccer moms when this one hit? Sorry, had to be 100 words.