This game has good graphics, interesting sounds, it will also grow on you after playing it for a while.

User Rating: 7 | Chibi Robo! GC
Even though this game was aimed toward the younger gamers I still had fun playing the game. You play as a three inch tall robot named Chibi-Robo and Telly Vision tells you you rank every time the game switches from day to night. The characters have strange voices but, this does not have an effect on the game. The more rank you get from happy points gotten by cleaning up stains, picking and throwing away thrash, interacting with the characters, etc will increase your max energy so you can do more before you have to recharge.

There are enemies in this game but, they are very easy because of Chibi-Robo's blaster so this is no real challenge in the game. You will though most likely find yourself playing this game for hours because it is quite additive. I would recommend this game to anyone and since it is for the GameCube it will most likely have a low price tag.