Cleaning floors and picking up sticks... is a lousy job for a Robot...

User Rating: 7.5 | Chibi Robo! GC
But that is not all Chibi does, he helps unite a family in trouble!
This is a light hearted game that is fun to play. Not much action until the very end, but the story line keeps you engaged during the slow parts. Aside from helping the Toys in the House (Which are alive by the way) and helping the family, Chibi also needs to earn stickers for certain tasks. I have earned almost all of the stickers, however I believe I am done with the game. There is only so much cleaning that you can do, before the human in you revolts! I feel the game is a good game for kids. The puzzles are easy, the challenges are fairly simple. The only caveat to this would be fighting the Queen Robot Spider, which might be scary for really young children.

Once you finish the main objective, you can still earn all the stickers.
I will have to say that there is not much replay value...and I doubt you will play it till you get all the stickers.. but it is a fun relaxing game...A little on the repetitive side ...but many games these days are.

I give it a thumbs up on originality and story plot.