Cleaning Robot

User Rating: 9 | Chibi Robo! GC
Chibi-Robo, the game where you get to do normal chores around a huge house. Except you are a robot (dur).

The plot is that your character "Chibi-Robo" has been purchased by a low income family named the Sandersons for their daughter Jenny who only speaks in frog. Or as it is officially called "Ribbetese" stupid I know but funny. There are also plenty of strange denizens within the house who you can talk to and do missions for. For instance you have a small pirate doll thing made out of wood named..captain plank beard, you have to find a crew for his ship so he can go treasure hunting and all of that.

The entire point of this game besides finishing the main story line is to go around and pick up garbage, clean the house, cook food and complete little side quests. You can also collect random stuff such as scrap metal and stickers. Chibi also has the ability to purchase different types of "Chibi Gear" such as a helicopter, a chibi blaster and life extending batteries. Throughout the game you also gain "happy points" for completeing tasks given to you by your human masters thus keeping the house running smoothly.

To help get your small metal self around the house you can also create utilibots, after putting enough metal into the "recycleotron". You can create a limited number of ladder utilibots or teleporter utilibots.

All and all the game has been really fun thus far, albeit a bid childish. The graphics are very good and the frame rate is smooth. The controls are so easy you can learn them in probably less than 10 minutes. If you like goofy collection games then you would probably like this. Thumbs up