It's a chore sometimes, and very tedious at the beginning. But stick with it, and Chibi-Robo gets better.

User Rating: 8 | Chibi Robo! GC
Chibi-Robo is weird. Really, REALLY weird.

Get this, you're a small little robot cleaning up someone's house, as you meet other characters, as well the origins of where you came from, and how you came to be. Sounds cool? Well, YES..and sometimes NO! Well, the cleaning part anyway. Mostly because thats one thing you'll be doing alot during the game. As well as plugging yourself into a plug-socket. Why? Because you run on batteries, and these batteries DIE! Very fast in the beginning, because you start with a pitifully small battery, or health bar or whatever. And it can be very irritating and tedious for the first 2 hours.

So yeah, first impressions are sometimes the worst. Thats why I kept playing. And what awaited me was one of the weirdest, and funniest games i've played in a long time.

The graphics for 2006 are not bad, not bad at all. In fact, the art-styles pretty cool. The music, though limited, isn't bad either. And the gameplay, for what it does, it does very very well. There's also a suprising amount of stuff you can unlock through-out the game, like costumes, and gadgets that you can use. And also alot of side-missions, though usually recycled sometimes.

But what really gets me, both positive and negative, is the characters. There is some thats hilarious, and some that are annoying.

For example, there this super-hero with a stupid name thats is both hilarious and annoying, and also over the top. There's also these Eggs dressed like soldiers. But they look like retarded M&M's. But their leader, which sounds like a backwards german, Is LOL hilarious.

But then you got your main side-kick or helper. Telly. Who is freaking annoying! He congratulates you by throwing confetti all over the place, or cries every time you die. And FORCES YOU to clean it his own mess. What a complete jerk!

Speaking of negatives...Lets talk about them.

Even though I already talked about how a chore of a game in can be, but the reason why it feels like a chore, is because you need to clean up the house, by cleaning the floor, picking up trash, and more. But you need to do that to get money, when you get money, you can buy stuff. When you buy stuff, you can get to other locations. When you get to other locations. THE GAME GETS BETTER!

I also already talked about how tedious it is at the beginning at the game. Making a lot of people turn the game off. Mostly due to how short of health/battery you have. Its terribly short. But you can upgrade later on to a bigger battery. How? By getting 'Happy' Points. How do you get them? Do stuff.

Also the camera can get annoying at times. Especially when your in a closed place like the basement or something. It can be hard to control.

So No, Chibi-Robo is not a game that everyone can play. Since the tedious nature of the game can get people frustrated. But stick with it, and Chibi-Robo gets better. If you've been at this game for sometime, i say, try it out. it's pretty good.