I am a gamer because of games like Chibi-Robo

User Rating: 8.9 | Chibi Robo! GC
Gaming is good. I mean, Really good. The best games are the ones that don’t just dazzle you with Fantastic graphics or Hollywood voice-overs, but give you an amazing and fun experience that you will never forget. Chibi-robo does this…

And I’m not Gay for liking Chibi-Robo!

I Love Chibi because it’s a game that simply oozes Charm. More charm than a million Crash Bandicoots could ever hope to have. You will care about Chibi and will enjoy his adventure, even though he doesn’t speak or have much expression in his face, because he is a likeable Character just like all the other characters in the game. The gameplay is also well done, with great platforming which is rarely frustrating and puzzles galore.
There are Problems. The Camera can be occasionally annoying, sometimes you will feel lost as to what to do, and the game is a little on the short side. But none of these things matter. Because despite its faults, Chibi-Robo is one of the few games that truly makes you happy to be a gamer.

Missing out on this brilliant game means missing out on why you became a gamer in the first place

For the Fun of it!