Between Delusion and Reality

User Rating: 10 | Chaos;Head Noah VITA
You're enjoyment of chaos;head Noah is definitely dependent on you're sympathy for takumi. I guess many people don't like protagonists with psychological problems, but it's very well portrayed by takumi and the other girls. Takumi is not a typical self insert proactive protagonist. He is extremely flawed and broken. C;H is like a journey of psychological degradation and not a classic "heroes tale" (you can feel it in a high intense). Furthermore, the vn give us a perfect feeling of isolation and paranoia. Takumi is basically a social outcast which leads him to escape in his fantasies. Due to his social isolation, every part of his delusions are getting more and more out off control. The result: His mental state degrades and leads him to an extreme amount of distrust towards people around him. He see himself as a gross, unwanted and pathetic shut in, so he projects this presumable self realization onto the view of others. To sum it up: if takumi encounters other people, he will only see a projection of his self-image in them. It's basically a classic case of devaluation, that works like a defense mechanism. His self-image is basically distorted, so you see him often change between an arrogant and self loathing behavior. Takumi is afraid of his own reflections, so he can't look people straight in the face. They're like a mirror in his distorted view and he always see disgust in they're eyes. I wouldn't say he's stupid. He's just acting irrational due to his mental state. I guess that's what I like about his character! He's not you're typical hero and his flaws make him even more realistic. His character development at the end is definitely a highlight for me! In terms of psychology (which is the scientific main theme), takumi is a very well written and realistic character. So it's a pretty unique protagonist, but i can see why some people can't relate to him. Chaos;head noah is by far the definitive version and provides 6 additional heroine routes. There is more character depth for the entire female cast and we also get more important informations for the science adventure lore as well. All of them are very bizarr romance storys, which fit perfectly to the overall tone of the original game. In other words: the outcome of each route is not you're typical happy ending. For me it's definitely a very unique work of the series, due to it's atmospheric, concept of existentialism and very twisted story. You really feel the "nitroplus" influence in this game. So sum it up: chaos;Head noah is one of my most favorite science adventure vns, alongside steins;gate and chaos;child. The developers absolutely nailed the dark atmosphere, created an emotional roller-coaster and improved all of my complains from the OG version.