Excellent RPG that set the foundation for many games to come.

User Rating: 8.3 | Chaos World NES
To start off, I have to quote my good friend, Darkstar Ripclaw, who said concerning Chaos World, "...it defied my expectations...". That about sums up the game. Chaos world is long for a NES game, and doesn't have the linear feel that most NES-era RPGs had. The world was huge, and the towns were constantly changing, meaning you would come back many a time to fix new problems, make new enemies, and simply enjoy the game.

Chaos World is responsible for a lot of features we take for granted in more modern games. The most prominent is the "guild" feature. The guild is the place you recruit new people for your pary, and get new side quests to gain items, money, and possibly, new allies. Besides that feature, the game had amny other things that were very advanced for its time, including instant transportation from any town to another, via magic, or a magical item; an immersive story line featuring many villans, allies, and royalty; a vast number of enemies, from simple snails, to hugely overpowering royal guards.

The size of the game is amazing, and in comparison to the other games of its time, Chaos World is surprisingly good, and once again, it defies all expectations. All in all, Chaos World is one of the best RPGs I have ever had the chance to play through.