Blood bowl fan rejoice

User Rating: 8.3 | Chaos League PC
Blood Bowl fan rejoice. Plain easy: If you like Warhammer, Blood Bowl and Football you'll love this one.

For an unknown reason, this game didn't got any press attention here in North America but in europe it's a pretty good success. If you want to know what the game is all about read the review on any website, here I'm just telling you why this game is so good.

First this game is Blood Bowl without the name. If you're a fan of the board game (or even the 1995 computer game) you'll see that the maker of blood bowl could easily file a suitcase to Chaos league creators. But the good thing is that it's better than Blood Bowl.

Second, if you're like me and hate being stress and not so hot with a gamepad and want to rely more on strategy, this game is for you. The 3 game mode are fantastic. The fact that you just have to hit the space bar to stop the play, give orders to your players and hit it again to resume play is fantastic. If you're more of an EA SPORT fan, you just select the realtime mode and if you're a Blood Bowl fanatic, just use the turn base mode.

The role playing part of the game is really great. You feel very attached to your players as you see them grow with XP that gives choices of special habilities. You can customized you're team with specialized players and when they get killed you feel the pain done to the team. You better begin to recruit early if you want to go in the upper division.

The magic is pretty good and add a lot of depth to the already exciting strategy. The race you choose plays differently and you'll quick found out which race is you're nemesis race. The Ai is pretty good and gives a good challenge.

I haven't played the multiplayer yet but it should proove very interesting.

For me this game is a gem. The graphics are great, the play-by-play is funny, the interface is great, the humor in the game is wonderfull and the replayability is awesome.

The only negative point is the incapacity of doing trade and one of the biggest oversight is the missing skin for you players. Every team is red or blue. But if you have an internet connexion, it's easy to find fan site with skin to import in the game. It's also pretty easy to make some yourself.

I'll be playing this game for a long time. I'd compare Chaos League to Galactic civilisation in the sens that it's a game that is passing under the radar but should have the same press attention as the lame Doom 3. Substance over graphics....