Unless you want to know how it feels to play one of the worst games of all times, stay away from this awful experience.

User Rating: 1.3 | Champions World Class Soccer SNES
How bad can a game be?! Here is your answer!

While “International Superstar Soccer” is the best soccer game available for the SNES, “Champion’s World Class Soccer” is the exact opposite.

Even to compare the game-play of this game to others would be an insult for almost any other game.
Its controls are very, very slowly and it feels crippled. It’s almost impossible to make any strategic maneuver because of the slow responding time between hitting the button and what happens on screen.
You never feel like having the ball really under control. Not even a simple pass can be done without feeling the deepest hatred for the controls.
I’m trying, but it’s difficult to describe how bad the game-play really is.

The difficulty of the game is on the one side hard (because of the controls), on the other side it's very easy once you figured out how to score a goal (even with those controls it's possible....somehow). I'm still going for "Hard" in the difficulty section.

Afar from some smooth animations the game also looks bad. The players look all the same and, even worse, feel like all the same.

On a side note: It seems like even the conversation of the game is as abysmal as itself. While playing the German version of the game I noticed some…”funny” errors.
For example, “penalty kick” would correctly be translated to German with the word “Elfmeterschießen”. In the game, it was called “Elfmeterscheißen”… if you speak a little bit German and you know what it means you will probably laugh your *** off right now.

It was a very horrible experience to play this game. You could play it yourself to better understand why, but believe me: You will regret it.