This game still has the possibility to be great fun, but never a WoW killer and it will take time.

User Rating: 7.5 | Champions Online PC
I'm going to break my reviews into a few sections. I feel this game gets a bad rap, and while obviously lacking some, makes up for it in other ways.

Content: The most lacking part in myopinion. For an MMO it just doesn't cut it. It has five real zones, and while quite large you really have to do ALL the content to hit the level cap. Some of the quests are bland and cookie cutter, others are unique and fun. I loved infiltrating Dr. Destroyer's Labratory and taking down some other legendary bosses is a great feat. However this needs and will receive an improvement.

Combat: Combat is simply fun in my opinion. Most groups of enemys cosists of one villian (2nd tier of difficulty) and one henchmen (easiest tier of difficult) or three henchmen. The ability to pick any powers from any set is fun but leads to balancing issues. Overal I love the combat but some people find it repetitive.

Patches: This is a spot that is aggravating. At the moment Cryptic is listening to whiners and is doing stupid nerfs. It is like a paid-beta at the moment and wil be for a little while longer. The nerfs keep rolling in but it should settle down. Giving them time this will turn out.

Powers: Simply awsome. There are a vast amount of powers with only a few being similar, although some need fixing. The nerfs are acrss the board and are ruining some while buffing others and then back again. It is awsome but needs to be tweaked and needs TIME to settle down.

TL;DR - Giving this game time, it will be a lot of fun. There are many gimicks, it makes it fun to be a superhero. The travel power come early and are a nice touch, and with about 2 months from the second of October, 2009, it will be fun.