What starts out great, quickly becomes monotonous and dull

User Rating: 6.5 | Champions Online PC
I simply could not get beyond the 10-day trial because the game failed to catch my long term attention. The initial options of having almost an unlimited costume and character design, ability to fly very early on, and multitude of upgrades and builds, quickly wore-off as you realize that the power ups you receive and buy as you level or pick-up drops, are so incremental that you can't really tell the difference. You also realize your character will look exactly the same throughout the life of the game from the time you create it! That is, unless you want to tweak or change your costume via an NPC for a relatively low cost, at any time.

So, there are no visible weapons or armor items that are indicative of your status or level in the world, although everyone looks fairly unique and creating a character is generally fun and deep.

The missions are of the garden variety fetch and kill type that you'll find in every other MMO, with open play areas that are full of life and other players, but manage to avoid heavy camping or crowd problems.

The game runs well and looks nice, but you quickly grow tired of the monotony of going back and forth from NPC to NPC and clicking through boring mission dialogues and completing quests.

It IS a fun game for the first 10-15 hours, and worthwhile to try out and make a few heros for kicks, but beyond that, I cannot recommend this game for there just isn't nearly enough incentive to continue on in it. Teaming-up is fun, and the PvP challenge instances are amusing, along with co-op instances, but are too hectic and tend to lag. Targeting is a bit clunky and takes some getting used to, and if you start to lag, you're in trouble in this game as well.

Great idea, poorly executed long term, and the problems with the longevity of the game kill it. There is just no way I can justify paying $15 a month for a shallow game such as this ultimately.