Embrace your inner comic book spirit!

User Rating: 8 | Champions Online PC
I'LL get straight to the point

The games gameplay makes you feel like your playing a single player game, especially with xbox 360 controller support


Great sound, It has basically almost the same sound types as marvel ultimate alliance.... you know, that comic book super hero music, etc


Actually the graphics you need a high end PC to run it on max


Not too many voice overs, the story is a little random and distant...This is not the games best point

Pros: The game really makes you feel you are playing a super hero game, and you really get that feeling you would get in a sims 3 game, that feeling of artistic and creative control.

Cons: the game shuts down and crashes often, and some launch instabilities......... but hey, all mmorpgs have a weak launch

STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME IF YOU are expecting it to be as good as WoW, and if you do not have the money to afford the game without breaking your wallet

YOU MUST BUY THIS GAME IF, you love reading comic books, you liked marvel ultimate alliance, and if money is not a constraint to you