From a different prospective.

User Rating: 8 | Champions Online PC
The game is fun for a while. If your a casual gamer, You will probably find this game really fun, alot of customization that can go into your hero including the way he looks his powers the way his powers work, and even what SUPER POWERS will look like and what your hero will use to either run fast, fly, jump, or teleport (My favorite is teleport) If your a pvp kinda player, well fun but not extremely fun, and if your one of those extreme MMO people wellllllll not fun, due to almost no end game content and lack of content in general only 5 zones and all aren't necessarily packed with content. Group quest zones are kinda cool unless no one is online then they are kinda useless. This game gets an 8 out of 10 for only failing on the extreme gamer part, pvp and casual gamers will find the game pretty interesting.