This is a fun hack n slash RPG.

User Rating: 8 | Champions of Norrath PS2
I've played alot of famous RPGs on the PC. Like Baldurs Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Nightwindale, Nox, Diablo, Fallout, Arcanum ect. Many of these games have been ported to the PS2. Or some of them anyhow, like Baldurs Gate, and Fallout. And also Everquest, as this game is based on.

"Champions of Norrath" (CoN) uses the same Game-engine like Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance (BG:DA), and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (FBOS). There have come a second part of BG:DA, and also CoN called Champions return to Arms. And the use of the same game engine is rather obvious (if you played BG:DA or FBoS).

The Biggest differance, and also the most satisfying (for thouse old PC gamers) is that in CoN you've able to actually create your own character. The shoises are somewhat sparce, but you anyway able to create you're own character. For example, in BG:DA and Fallout you're only able to shoose among three (in BG:DA2 its five) pre-created characters, that you cant customize anything (not even their names). But in CoN you are able to shoose among 5 differant classes (with a fixed race), and customize their gender, appearance and name. This is very fun! I'm one of thouse that can spend hours just creating my player or character in the PC equivilants.

The game then? well, its linear as the other games in the genra (BG:DA and FBoS), and its all about killing allot of enemies to earn Experience and Levels. But when it comes to combat BG:DA have some advantages of being more consistant and logical. CoN doesnt seem to have any logical system for weapons and armour. Its a mess. This is the biggest drawback (compared to BG:DA). I havnt played the MMORPG version of Everquest, and so its unsaid if it make more sence if you're familiar with the Everquest universe. But for me it seemed ... irradic.

Another drawback in this otherwize excelent game is that it seems alot "heavier" on the PS2 machine then for example the BG:DA game. I could imagine that it's because CoN seems more "alive". There are more subtle animation and living creatures around, and the graphics seems abit more boosted in CoN then in BG:DA, whitch meens that it looks excelent. But I did experience some buggs along the way. One of them whas a realy bad framerate, that made the game "lagg" from time to time. The other thing whas that it seemed hard to read for old versions of the PS2. Some loads just failed. The game Broke down ... Blue Screen in other words.

But I suspect that if you have a new PS2, then this whould not happen.

Another advantage that CoN has before the other games in the same typ (like BG:DA and FBoS) is that it supports up to 4 player. Thrue LAN, Internet or Multitap. Thats some cool stuff. But I dont know anyone who owns CoN, and I dont own a Multitap, so I havnt had the chanse of testing it with more then 2 players. Sadly.

Anyhow, one Big plus is that this game give you somewhat "lastabillity" or "re"-playability. Cause you can make a new character in a new class, or just appeal to your fashion sense and designe a new character of the same class as before to play with another friend ... I know, cause I've started 4 different games. Two as a Ranger (one female and one Male), and one as a warrior female and one as a female Paladin. And all with different friends or just different plays. Its this that makes CoN one of the best of these types of games. BG:DA and Fallout sadly lak the possibility to costumize you're character.

So! This is not an RPG. This is an Action game like both BG:DA and Fallout on the PS2. But this one is one of the better. But I still recomend BG:DA2. Its probably the best game in this type of games on the PS2. Mostly cause it's ... well balanced.

Thanx for reading. And have a pleacent day.