Champions of narrath rules

User Rating: 10 | Champions of Norrath PS2
Champions of norrath is a good role-playing game, it has a level up system with abilities to unlock/level up,you can choose between 5 races, male of female and can change there weapons and armour as you get more. i think this game is awesome and they should bring out a new more detailed version for the ps3, that would be heaps cool. it is also a good multiplayer game, i like playing both. this is my favourite role-playing game. It is not a quick game to finish, thats not a bad thing as you dont fight the same creatures every time and you get all different weapons and armour. It has a currency in the game to buy weapons, armour and other things. you can sell your weapons and armour and other stuff as well. eventually money isnt an object unless you keep buying things, you dont have to because the better cretures drop better things, you can just pick there stuff up and use it and save money, you get the same stuff anyway. the further you get the better the game is