good game if your patient

User Rating: 4 | Champions of Norrath PS2
ive got the game but never completed it why you ask?.......because i can never get the last friken level to load....ill be like running along and boom the whole map disapears and my characters left running around on a black screen not knowing where any monsters, traps or walls are...its totaly stupid....although my game is secong hand...from a video store so its bound to be bung...but any way the game is like that any way brand new it glicths the music randomly stops sometimes characters weapons or clothing will disapear..

any way its good fun especially with 2 players.

there are 5?...types of character races each with a female and male option

barberian, wood elf, high celeric elf, a wizardy mage person and a shadow knight dark elfe or something..

any you would have guessed mages are the pure magic and barberians are pure strength then the wood elfs are ranged the high celerics are like palidins and the shadow knights are like stealth warriors with posin type thingys......

yup .....i realy dont like this game sometimes and cant be bothered writing any thing about it so yep........

ok im just adding a bit on to this...i was playing it with my frend on 2player and we got to the hanging garden...or watever it is the last lvl i think?....yea but anyway the map wont load so we cant see where we are going and we cant finish it.......has any one even finished this game?