Old school blast - a rare title, but very entertaining

User Rating: 8.8 | Kult PC
Before I get too far, I have to explain that I first tried this game on my Atari ST computer. The ST version had fantastic graphics and even more fantastic sound.

This game was built for the PC in the MID1980's - they show this release date as 1989, but I think it was more like 1986 or so. The catch at that time is PC grpahics were EGA, and that the audio was PC Speaker (or SoundBlaster 1) if lucky.

So the PC version was a significant downgrade from the ST and Amiga versions. Still, I had a PC now, and this was one of the first games I got for the new IBM computer...

The CotS-MP was originally named "Kult" and the story revolves around some overtake of humanity by some lizard creatures - the story is very foggy, and isn't helped by it's French origins. Anyway, you are trying to save this girl, and you have to go through this series of very convoluted ordeals to initially get the 5 skulls (keys) to move forward to "enlightenment", and one step closer to your goal.

These puzzles are all graphical, and you have powers and a "familiar" that speaks to you in pidgeon english - very clever! Solutions to scenarios are copmlicated and aren't standard fare at all, culminating in your finding the female and trying to figure out what to do next.

If you can get past the very dated graphics (and actually FIND) a good copy (VGA) - it's worthy of playing. Highly recommended!