This game is great, and your Catz can even have kittens.

User Rating: 9.6 | Catz 3: Your Virtual Petz PC
This game could be the best in the series. The Gameplay is fun, and the game can be good to play to relax. You adopt a Cat, Name it, and play with it and feed it, and you can make more than one even. 2 Catz (Boy and Girl, duh) can even have a kitten! The sound is fun and cute at times, with meowing to show it's mood. Graphics are really nice looking, especially for back then. But, like in real life, if you dont take care of it, it runs away. You can take your cat through great-looking enviornments, and you can even dress your Cat up, which as a Cat Owner i can tell you- Do NOT do that in real life unless you like Bleeding XD

Overall, I think you should get this game if you are a cat lover.