Wow, what a fumble this game was.

User Rating: 5.9 | Catwoman XBOX
The story follows the movie, so it has all the movie crap to go along with it.
We aren't playing Selena Kyle, but some lady named Precious Prince or something dumb like that. They also made the costume look like utter crap.
Okay enough about the movie, how is the game? Well to be honest it's a lot better than the film it's based on. Not something you can usually say. I think the developers really wanted to do something here. Unfortunately, there need to get the game out with the movie derailed it. A few months more and then this game could have been the start of a franchise. The graphics are great. It looks as good if not better than most of the other games for the X-Box. Watching Catwoman move is pretty impressive. and the controls are different yet easy to get a handle on. However the crappy camera will fight you throughout the entire game, making some of the simple tasks nearly impossible. Plan on trying some of the jumps over and over and over and over and over again. I found this game for 4.99 at blockbuster. It was 25% off. I got my money's worth. Any more and I may have felt cheated.