A unique game that will keep you hooked til the end

User Rating: 9 | Catherine X360
I had been looking forward to playing this game for quite some time and I was definatley not disappointed.. The game is very much story focused and it takes up a huge part of the game which is a good thing. It follows the story of Vincent who is dating a girl named Katherine who is all well and good for a girlfriend, although a bit controlling.. He then meets a mysterious beautiful woman named Catherine (almost the same name) and before he knows it hes having an affair with her.. On top of all this hes having nightmares every night along with alot of the other local population.. The story was so interesting to me, the twists and him trying to keep it a secret in tense situations kept me playing well into the early morning to try to find out whats going to happen.. The gameplay consists of two distinct parts, the times when vincent is in the bar which you can interact with patrons, play a video game, drink etc.. There are achievements for helping out some of the people you meet there but in my playthrough I wasn't able to help anyone. And the Nightmare portion which has you traversing up towers of blocks in a puzzle style game.. THe game can be extremely difficult so I recommend to someone just starting out with this game on easy mode.. Its still challenging and makes you think but it lessens the time limit required to make it up the tower.. This is a ton of fun and can be very addicting and extremely rewarding when you figure out the solution to a difficult area.. The graphics to this game are very colorful and pleasant to look at.. All the characters are animated pretty well and there are some fantastic cutscenes in the game.. The graphics in the nightmare areas aren't anything special really but they have a dark surreal look to them which works just as well as you would want.. The sound effects and voice acting are very well done most of the time with a small few sounding a bit off.. Its so refreshing to play a game this unique and with this incredibley well told story, which is more interesting then alot of movies you could watch. I don't think there is anything else like this game and I think that should change. Overall I would recommend this game to anyone that likes a good puzzle game and story driven games..