Falls short of a masterpiece because of a slightly dysfunctional camera and some forgettable characters.

User Rating: 8 | Catherine PS3
The graphics, music, sound effects, gameplay, challenge and atmosphere are spot on. The game is immersive and keeps you hooked, (that is if you like a good challenge). It is quirky and unique, with a flavor of the persona 4 in it and has it its own identity.

The came falls short of a masterpiece in my eye because of the camera, some control hiccups, some forgettable characters, and repetitive dialogue

The camera is limited to only a sweeping 180 degree rotation, which allows Vincent to get lost on the screen. Unfortunately you can't quite see where you are going when you are on the other side of the puzzle, which causes a lot of grief in the later levels. The controls get flipped when you move to the other side of a box, and it took some time to get used to them.

Vincent has a few friends which make up most of the dialogue. Unfortunately they are forgettable people and I don't quite care for them at all. In fact, you see them before each puzzle in the "dream world" and I could care less about what they tell me. They keep repeating themselves throughout the whole game. In fact, there is a lot of repetitive dialogue in the game, and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I will give the game an overall 8/10. It lost 2 points in my eye from poorly thought out camera and control scheme, as well as some forgettable characters and repetitive dialogue. But overall, you should play it because it's probably going to become some weird cult classic.

I would wait for this game to drop to at least 1/2 of it's new price. I got it off craiglist for 50 bucks (mistake) and I love Persona