Games like Catherine don't come along often, so pick it up and give it a try.

User Rating: 9 | Catherine PS3
Catherine was a game that interested my from the start. Made by many of the same people that created Persona 4, I was expecting good things from this title, and I was not disappointed.

Catherine is a puzzle game where the player has to move blocks around in order to climb a tower of blocks. You play as Vincent Brooks, a man who encounters these towers in his dreams. If he falls while climbing the towers then he will die in real life. But there is more to this game then just puzzles. Part of the game takes place in a bar called the Stray Sheep. In the bar, you can answer and respond to text messages, talk on your phone, converse with your friends and other bar patrons, play a juke box or even play a small arcade game. The voice acting is quite good, and the music adds a dark, gloomy atmosphere to the game. The cut scenes are drawn in an anime style, and the graphics are stylized in the same way. The game took me about 15 hours to make it through the first time, so it can be done in a weekend. However there are three difficulties and the stages are different on each difficulty. There are also 8 different endings, and a co-op and versus mode, so there are various things to add more playability to the game. Overall, I give it 2 thumbs up.

Graphics - 9.0
Audio - 9.5
Gameplay - 8.5
Value - 9.0
Overall - 9.0