The dice are a definite problem and really hurt this great game

User Rating: 5 | Catan X360
I have been playing this game almost daily for the past three months but lately it has become so frustrating that it is nearly impossible to play. It is obviously one of the best games ever invented and it has everything you could want in a game to keep you coming back for more. The problem is that the roll of the dice is unbelievably unfair. The last few times I have played I got so frustrated I just quit. I just tried to play and out of 30 plus rolls there were no 9's or 4's and over half were 6's and 7's. This problem seems to be getting worse. I have read other reviews and see that others have the same complaints. The game is nearly unplayable to me at this point. It is a true shame. It is truly a great game but unless they can fix the problem then it is a waste of time to play.