Pretty good Game for the XBox Live Arcade.

User Rating: 7.5 | Catan X360
This game is based off a board game. I for one, never heard of this game until I saw it in the Marketplace on Live. The game is like a colonial monopoly game. The objective is to gain 10 victory points before your opponents. You gain these points through playing the most soldier cards, building the longest road, building settlements or cities, and pulling cards that give victory points. You do all of these through collecting resources. The Resouces you get our determined by where you placed your settlements, and you receive these resources if a player's roll matches that of your corresponding tiles. When playing the game on easy, the game seems way to simple. You can trade resources with whomever, and you control the game. On normal, everyone has equal pull in the game, where everyone trades cards when it's to the mutual benefit. On hard, the computer seems to become psychic. They always anticipate your moves. They rarely, if ever, trade you resources that you need. Even when it won't hurt them. In Hard, you are at the computer's mercy. To tell you, I was trying to get the Achievement Points for winning a Hard match with 4 players, and I had 9 VP (victory points) and the guy rolled before me had like 5 VP. I was waiting for his turn to end, because I had everything set to win the game on my upcoming turn. The computer turns around and somehow gets the longest road built, gained 5 VP for the victory, and dropped me down to 7 VP. This is after a 3-hour or so long game.
A really fun game with a lot of challenge to it. IF you have a bad temper, and try to play the computer on hard, I suggest you don't get this game. Especially if you hate board games.