Considering this is the first Castlevania game I've ever played, I really thought it was one of my greatest experiences

User Rating: 9.2 | Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin DS
Yes, I rate this a bit high, only because it is the first time I've ever played a game in this series. Now, despite all the useless online features, the online co-op can be pretty fun if your partner follows directions well, otherwise I'd stay I way from it. One of the best things about this games were all the mythological creatures in it from other cultures. Dracula did not fall short of being a great addition to these myths (than again, we don't know if they are myths, who knows for sure?). The presentation of the bosses and characters are absolutely brilliant and are complete works of art. What I'd say is that this game is nigh to being one of my most enjoyable experiences yet. I'm sure from what I've heard, it is not much different from the other titles, but considering how much fun I had, this was an absolute lovable experience, though a wee bit short. Let me tell you this right now: if you happen to be looking for a game you've never experienced before and have not already played a game within this series, this is the game for you. Good luck vampire-hunting.