Easily the best game on the DS, I've ever played.

User Rating: 9.5 | Akumajou Dracula: Ubawareta Kokuin DS
I never touched a Castlevania game since Circle of the Moon and since then I've played every single CV for GBA, DS, and the one for the PSP. None have ceased to amaze me regardless of their difficulty. This game is no different. I'd prefer to spare myself the difficulty of going into the redonculously long description of the gameplay, other than the fact that it is innovative to the side-scroller CV games. I'd rather just provide the VERY little nitpicking I had. One thing is I had a few moments where I actually got some slow down (wasn't a problem for more than a couple seconds). I also have actually had the game freeze twice on me, however in both of these occasions my DS had been in sleep mode for over an hour. The only other thing I have to say is that reviewers seem to think that the bosses are rediculously hard. The bosses ARE hard but not so hard that you will spend hours trying to defeat them. A word of advice, for more difficult boss battles, allow yourself to die once while trying to figure out how to dodge the bosses attacks. If you do that, it is a sure-fire way to win. The most I ever died on one boss is 3 times.

It doesn't matter if you aren't into Castlevania games, if you own a DS go buy this RIGHT NOW!!!!