The sublime beauty of Order of Ecclesia makes you wonder just how this gem is so breathtaking.

User Rating: 9.5 | Akumajou Dracula: Ubawareta Kokuin DS
The former Castlevania games on the most popular current-gen handheld in the world were a little subpar to what we would expect in this series. One which prides itself on its beauty of presentation, sound, and gameplay, which Order of Ecclesia corresponds to that magnificently.

Graphics: I have yet to see a game that can push out as vivid and enhanced 2D graphics as OoE. Simply stunning presentation that really identifies itself with the Wow factor, you won't get any boredom here. Overall beautiful art style.

Graphics Score: A well deserved 10/10.

Sound: Simply spot-on. All songs are related to their environment, which is nice. Coudln't wish for better ones. Very inspired.

Sound Score: 10/10

Gameplay: Here is where I'll go a little in-depth.

The game features a feminine heroine which, in some cases, can be considered surprising since women have few protagonist roles in any type of game. Anyways, Shanoa is the 'Chosen One' to free the world of Dracula's wrath and restore it to its former splendor.

Don't think this is an easy game, for it's far from that. Contra 4 hardness? No, not as insane as that, but it will keep you on your toes for the entire length of the game (especially the beginning, due to the weak weapons you bestow), and the bosses will break you. Don't be frustrated if you can't even beat the first one, as it's a sign for much more to come and its actually one of the easiest (just so you understand just how high the difficulty bar is here).

The first part of the game will have as your main objective finding and equipping better Glyphs. It starts out by explaining the variety of Glyphs that exist, but if you're hoping to wield a pwnful weapon early on, then prepare to get disappointed. It is not for many hours (or until you complete the first section of the game) that you get the opportunity to possess a barrage of cool and finally above-average abilities. However, don't diss the first part, as it makes for quite an interesting part of the story. Just...think of it as a prologue to the second half.

The gameplay is pretty linear. I mean, it's Castlevania, and the formula has nearly been untouched. I'd say more perfected, since this game really plays like a very mulled version of something that has taken years of experience to reach this level of finesse.

Enemy-wise, there are lots of old, familiar foes around, but you'll also see a handful of new and unaccustomed ones, which makes for a nice detail.

Gameplay Score: 8.5/10

Replay Value:

Order of Ecclesia makes sure that its fans won't get bored with the inclusion of the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, for what I believe is a sort of race against the time mode.

Simply put, you race with a friend to complete a level as fast as you can. The game also makes use of DS-to-Wii connectivity with Castlevania Judgment, which unlocks content in both games.

Hard Mode is there for all the die hard fans of Castlevania, which really makes it near the easy mode of Contra 4.

Replay Score: 8/10

Overall, Order of Ecclesia can be considered the best Castlevania game on the DS, hands-down. It's beautiful artwork, amazing soundtrack, immersive gameplay and good replay value just all fit together. It's not the best in the entire series, but it shines compared to previous DS installments.

It sure is a gem, and a must-have game for any fan of the series. Recommended!