castle-what? hardly heard if it but this game is great!

User Rating: 9.5 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
okay i'll admit it. i have heard of castlevania but i have never played a castlevania game untill this one. how did i buy this game well, "i was in gamestation looking for a platformer with cool weapons, long lasting gameplay and high diffaculty. in the Pre-owned section i found this. dawn of sorrow, so i though "why not? its half prince, iv heard good things about it. Lets go For it. so i did" then when i got home......

Okay so i thought id start off playing and i got stuck on the first boss! but i beat it... aventually, but i didnt mind. so i enjoyed the story and though it was great! the music is just awsome and quite memrobale actually.

Sometimes its hard to feel for a charater but for Soma you do. you become determant not to die! which happens alot. that is something that annoyes me actually. if its one fault of the game is that. i mean you get a new soul or part of a map and you will die getting back to the save room, which will annoy you

annother fault i found is the diffaculty is quite high meaning a casual game - unlike myself - might find it too hard, but i supose this is for castlevania fans.

there is annother mode called "enemy set" which you make a room full of enemys of your choice which is fun and i think helps raise youe level.

i may sound harsh on castlevania but it is a great game. this is coming from a female gamer aswell so i would buy it, since you can get cheap.
i am now going to get Portraits of Ruin and when my Wii is online i will download some Retro Castlevania, as this game is just a perfect, long, hard, fun and retro platformer, better that NSMB. i forgot to mention the amazing 3-D backgrounds in the game, which make it very affective

- fienno
