You will NOT be disappointed with this game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
The gameplay on this was excellent. It was fun and exciting, and the levels grew in difficulty matching the strengths and weaknesses of Soma as you progressed through the game with the right feel to it. The entire game flowed smoothly and kept things rolling at a solid pace. The weapons and spells used were nicely adapted to this game, and the soul-weapon blending makes advancing your character more intriguing. Boss battles went well, and the magic seal concept was a nice touch. Also, there are multiple endings to this game, so try the game out and check out the two early bad endings, then beat the game and witness the proper ending once and for all. Playing the game in other modes (ex. Julius Belmont mode) is fun, but the initial mode with Soma and the entire battle soul complex is the best way to undertake this game. I really cannot think of a negative thing to say about this game.

This game is worthy of the Castlevania franchise.