This game taught me how much I love to gut monsters and absorb their devious souls. Thank you, Castlevania.

User Rating: 10 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
I had never played a Castlevania game before this one, and I was somewhat leery about even trying Dawn of Sorrow, prejudging for some idiotic reason that this wouldn't be my style of game. Now, I am beyond a fan of the Belmonts. This game isn't your average platformer; the levels are each very long, there are complex weapon trees to quench your pleasure of monster gutting assault, and on top of that, each monster you slay holds a 'soul' that you may collect in order to gain that monster's power, which sure adds the feel of having a Gothic version of Pokemon not as being the whole point of the game, but just as extra icing on the cake.

Sound: 10! Crisp chiming music throughout every room in the Castle adds such an upbeat and chilling feel while you play. It is the sort of game music that you won't ever be tempted to lower your volume over from the feel of it being repetitive, instead, the music flows freshly through each repeat and really stirs up fitting monstrous emotions from inside you while you're slaying fiends. Monsters also emit perfect growls, roars, and screeches that fit the character of each monster perfectly.

Graphics: 10, yet I know some will disagree. Let me tell you why I think it deserves such a high rating: The sprites are miraculous in how much detail they hold. Each monster has its own characteristics, right down to their creepy slinking motions or attack animations. Backgrounds are also beautiful and are sometimes in 3D. I also have to mention the landscapes of each room, because it is something that is usually overlooked in games. Every room in this game stands out and is pleasant on the eyes, and the eerie feel of the background sprites glisten amongst the monsters with such extraordinary detail.

Gameplay: 10! The difficulty all depends on your skill as a player; it will take some time for you to learn how to attack a monster correctly without being swiped yourself, but after experience with the beasts, you'll remember how monsters lash out upon you and you'll also remember in a snap how to tactically strike back. The keys feel just right under your fingertips, and there is a very easy learning curve. This is a game of quick action and strategy, and it is a game that you'll want to play thoroughly in order to unlock every secret it holds. It's that good.

This game draws you in from the moment you pick it up, and the result for me was sentencing myself to three days of isolation while Castlevania glowed on my Pink DS's screen. This is one of my favorite games of all time.