Formula is starting to get stale, but this is still a very fun game

User Rating: 8.5 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
While this is a very fun game I just can't help feeling like I have already done this 4 times before. I do enjoy the map being on the top screen, this really makes navigating through the castle a lot more enjoyable. Konami did find some interesting ways to use the stylus, I like the way you have to do a certain pattern to seal away each boss. The graphics are nice and this game feels closer to Symphony of the Night than any of the previous GBA games. But that game came out eight years before this one. I feel the castle, story, and gameplay just has not evolved enough to make this Castlevania stand on its own excellence. I know this review sounds bad but I actually enjoyed the game. If Konami puts out another game similiar to this one I will probably be first in line to get it. I just wish Konami and this series would go out and take a chance and quit playing it so safe.