A run move keep this game from greatness, the character move slow in long corridors so you have to roll and roll.

User Rating: 8.3 | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness XBOX
A run move keep this game from greatness, the character move slow in long corridors so you have to roll and roll, that is the reason why people think the levels have very low detail, that is true they are generic like in the old school games but the reason it looks bad is because you have to see then a lot when the character move very slowly. But the game goes at 60 fps, the characters have great animation, the colors are great, the enemies have great design, etc.

I liked the gameplay it is varied thanks to the different strong attacks, the framerate, the amount of enemies at the same time, the variety of them, the different weapons, the inocent devil, the level up of the character and the ID, the combinations of materials to make new weapons, etc But then again you will be rolling and rolling to get a little faster to the end of those long corridors because the character don't have a run move.

Replay: I see myself enjoying the game again with the main character, then with the alternate character, trevol belmont, getting to the secrets areas, getting the last evolution on a ID and the last ID, playing boss survival, etc, thanks to the great gameplay (castlevania is not ninja gaiden), the great music, the great enemy design, etc.

The game just needs a run buttom to not be rolling and rolling.