The best 3D Castlevania experience yet

User Rating: 9 | Castlevania: Curse of Darkness XBOX
Castlevania Curse of Darkness is in my opinion a lot better than most people are giving it credit for. Granted the combat is not as exciting as games like God of War, Devil May Cry, or even Rygar the Legendary Warrior. Also the level design can become a little monotonous and bland at times, but not nearly as much as Lament of Innocense its predecessor. It still doesn't live up to SOTN but Konami is getting much closer. Outside of these small complaints this game is everything it should be. This game comes packed with plenty of weapons, secrets, and giant boss battles that every Castlevania fan has come to suspect. You also get to level up innocent devils that fight alongside Hector (the main character) and help solve plenty of secrets. These innocent devils also evolve and change form the higher their level. While the level design may be all to familiar there is no longer a central hub like in the last Castlevania which makes it feel more of a free roaming giant castle. The voice acting is also well done and the story line is interesting enough to make you want to keep on keepin on. Any fan of Castlevania will appreciate what Konami is trying to accomplish and will enjoy every minute of this gaming experience.