no castlevania, no devil may cry its just that simple!

User Rating: 8.7 | Akumajou Dracula Mokushiroku N64
this really is the way a 3-d castlevania game should be, even if it looks like crap, imagine a cross between zelda and devil may cry and this is the inbred result.

and its a reet laugh!.

one again your fighting dracula ,this time in and around a castle on an island (devil may cry?) trying to destroy dracula, man those belmonts never give up do they?.
gameplay the controls are so much like devil may cry its hard to use the slight differences in picking up items ect. purely becuase your brain regosters that your playing devil may cry so there for thats how the controls are.
but this came first of course.
gameplay is fluid, even mor so than ocarina of time or mario 64, however the biggest gripe is a sonic adventure style camera angle problem.
graphics are pretty lame however , like the 16-bit games they set the mood perfectly and dont ned to be improved to enjoy the game.
sound wise its castlevania so its easy to know what to expect and its great to listen to and hum to as you play.

overall i thought this game was great fun and perfect for a rainy afternoon and it wont dissapoint castlevania fans or newcomers to the franchise.