Cartoon Network Presents a great-looking game: Fusionfall. The real question is- is it any good?

User Rating: 6 | Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall PC
Before I say anything else, note that I only played fusionfall for a few hours and I no longer play it anymore. Fusionfall is a game that is based on the numerous action shows shown on Cartoon Network. Although the graphics are smooth and it plays well, Fusionfall is easy, and there is not much to do. Also, you have to pay, i mean, come on! You start the game by making a character, and you will play as the person you make for the entire game. But before you even start playing the game, you have to sign up for cartoon network, which is a real pain in the @$$. You have to give them your email and password(as usual), but you can only create a username out of the ones they give you. You have to pick an adjective of what you are like, your name, and your type( from elements, animals, that sort of stuff). But, because only one person in the whole world can have a name, this can get really annoying. I ended up having some sort of stupid name like "Crazy Conrad Cabbage" or something silly like that. My point is, your name will 9/10 times be already taken, unless you have one of those unique names. This feature limits the amount of people who can play Fusionfall. Anyway, let's carry on to the gameplay. You have to stop these aliens from polluting the planet, and you will use some weapons to defeat them, along from getting help from all your little cartoon network friends. You can move and jump, WOW!. The controls are not what you'd expect from a keyboard, either. They are really stupid. The graphics, however, are quite acceptable, and the music is good. One more bad thing about Fusionfall- LOOOONG LOADING TIMES. The game is pretty easy, but as it progressess, gets a bit hard(not alot though).

The Good:
-Graphics and music are clean and you probably won't find m,any glitches
-You can, if your name hasn't been taken, make some pretty cool characters
-Has a good message about keeping our environment healthy.

The Bad:
-Excrutiatingly long loading times
-Will take at least 10 minuites just picking a username
-Bad controls, when a keyboard has the most potential
-Some of the characters are not even recognisable\

Overall, with a bit of consideration, Cartoon Network has presented a great-looking game: Fusionfall. But, it can be annoying in the loading times and controls.

Overall, 6/10