Blatantly derivative and generic yet undeniably satisfying to those who enjoy classic survival horror.

User Rating: 7.5 | Carrier DC
I'd like to start by stating the obvious: This game was designed to milk the fan base of the exceptional horror series Resident Evil. The game is almost the same in every single way. The controls are similar in the fact that you control your character like a tank and must aim your gun before firing. It is similar in other ways too. For instance you must search rooms for documents that have access codes and keys in order to obtain entry into more rooms to progress the story. Speaking of which, even the story has similar plot twists and characters. Even the enemies are zombie variants. Aside from that however I still enjoyed this games particular variant to the genre.

In Carrier you play as an investigator on a military sea vessel in the near future your job is to investigate the loss of contact between it and base. Unfortunately you soon discover that all of the crew has been infected by some plantlike organism that is turning them into mindless and violent mutants.

This game is much more focused on action then puzzling and quite light on horror in comparison to most other survival horror games available in the early 2000s. Some more complaints I have is with its horrible voice acting and predictable script. It's really nothing you've never seen before and that's too bad because the setting provided for some interesting atmosphere. Another problem I had is with the variety of different enemies. Basically they all look the same except for different attacks. Some of the later enemies look much more dangerous but are equal in threat to what you've previously encountered. The game is quite easy and provides you with plenty of health items and ammunition that can be obtained through boxes or speaking with the dozens of survivors you find throughout the ship.

One of my favorite features of the game was the scope that you can use to view your surroundings in a first person perspective. Your special goggles help you find items and when you look at people you can tell whether or not they are infected as some people while appearing human can still be carriers. Another feature I liked was being able to target specific body parts of my enemy and blowing limbs and heads apart. (I'm a sucker for gore)

Despite my many complaints about this title I still thought that it was decent and satisfying as I am such a huge fan of these classic, gory survival style games. If you have the same love for the old school you may want to give this game a try but don't expect it to be the Holy Grail or anything.