Nothing more than a pretty game.

User Rating: 4 | Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping PC
Carnival Cruise Line Tycoon 2005: Island Hopping is on the bad side of the games I've played over the course of my life, and I've played some pretty bad ones. The game doesn't sound too interesting to begin with due to its title, and it proved that within the first ten minutes of playing it. The game -does- look nice... but, really, what is the entire point of the game? You build carnival cruise liners. I like building games, but even this game just wasn't entertaining. It lacks luster. It lacks... value. It lacks... fun. The game, to me, is far too tedious and boring, and is nothing short of "okey-dokey" eye candy.

And, if you all you care about in a game is graphics, there are far better games to look at than this one.

If you want to spend a few hours and a few dollars, and don't have anything better to do, then you can play this game... but, if you're looking for an eye-catcher that's entertaining beyond an hour, look elsewhere. This game won't provide it for you at all.