I love Captain Scarlet but this game really is quite poor

User Rating: 4.5 | Captain Scarlet PS2
Ever since I was little I've always loved Captain Scarlet. It was always a show that had great potential to make a game, especially an Action adventure game.
Alas this game is not very good, is over far too quickly and has no depth or replay value to it at all.
Essentially this game is a generic mission based driving. In fact you could probably replace the SPV or SPC with any other vehicle and release it as a completely new game. Basically all you do is drive around, protect this guy, blow up that guy and that's about as complicated as it gets.
The story is, miniscule, which disappointed me as the show always had such great stories to make up for the rather 'sub-par' effects. You're told the Mysterons are trying to kill the world president however this has absolutely no bearing on anything until the final mission.
The graphics are rather poor for the Ps2 and the controls aren't top notch either.
The Sound is also rather poor. The Captain scarlet theme plays over the main menu, which is nice but the rest of the music, well there isn't any, and the sound effects are fairly poor.
I finished this game in under half and hour (And I did every mission twice. Yeah it's that short) and whilst I would really like to recommend this game I can't.
It's your offered it dirt cheap or free, you may be able to scrape 15 minutes out of this game but they won't be particularly memorable or fun.
Best Avoided