Best Super hero/Movie game since Wolverine Origins... Fantastic combat, but alas little else.

User Rating: 6.5 | Captain America: Super Soldier X360
Batman AA showed us that super hero games can be amazing AAA titles. Unfortunately, the rest of the super hero games out there are way behind, and still struggling to rise above mediocrity.

Most are generic tripe that saturate the market. Super hero / Movie tie-ins do not fair well, and never feel like any effort went into them. Captain America: Super Soldier therefore in light of this, feels like a pleasent surprise.
Its clear that some decent work actually went into certain parts of this game, whereas others parts didnt recieve as much attention and thus didnt fair so well - perhaps due to constraints of a tight production shedule that movie games often have?

Now before I go on, is this a great game? NO, its not.

But what I will say is this game is atleast on par with Wolverine: Origins, and it has better boss fights. Point in case, in Captain America the boss fights dont descend into the usual 'exploit the weakness' kinda of rubbish that we're all bored of, they allow the player to go toe to toe and actually have a scrap.... Which is refreshing. This brings me to the games finest component - the combat.

The combat in this game is fluid, intuitive, well animated and feels immensley satisfying. Dare I say, I thought the combat in some ways is better than Batman AA. Thats a bold boast I know but I played Batman AA recently and I couldn't do half the things I can do in Captain America. In this area praise is due to the developers.

SO............. Whats the rest of the game like? Its completely mediocre.
Its relatively solid, nothing is broken here, but if not for the saving grace of the combat I wouldnt even be reviewing the game.

The platforming is a one button blamange, it requires no skill and relatively no thought. Its fine, but not engaging like it could have been. And the rest of the game it largely generic... But OH the combat... its sublime.

Thats all thats needs to be said - this review recommends Cap to anyone who is a fan of beat em ups and super heros. Its definately worth a look.

To everyone else this is a largely mediocre game with excellent combat. Thats it.

I really hope the developers get another shot to make something more complete than this effort was afforded.