This is one movie-game tie-in that deserves some attention...

User Rating: 7.5 | Captain America: Super Soldier PS3
Like a lot of people, I tend to stay clear of most games that are based off of a movie that we all saw in theaters. Notice I said 'most', because honestly, some games based off of movies don't suck, and Super Soldier just happens to be one of those games. It's not perfect by any means, but it holds up well enough to justify a couple of play-throughs.

The story in Super Soldier is loosely based off of the film's story, and the key characters are all there (Peggy, Dr. Zola, Red Skull, Dugan, etc.) as well as a couple of new characters (Madame Hydra, a bald guy with an electric arm attachment whose name I can't recall now, etc.). I wouldn't say that the story is fantastic, because it's not, but the action is what I believe keeps the game interesting.

The combat in Captain America: Super Soldier is what a lot of people would call a 'rip-off' of Batman: Arkham City. And they'd be partially correct. The combat is very fluid like in Arkham City: you fight between numerous foes and change the direction your fists are going at any given time, and you don't know exactly what move you're going to pull off, which makes it great fun when Cap knocks a soldier off his feet and sends him flying. Of course, this type of combat is only on the PS3/360 versions (I'd stay clear of the Nintendo versions of Super Soldier if I were you. *shudders*). One of my favorite elements of Cap's combat style are the 'power attacks', those slow-mo moves that deal heavy damage to an opponent that are carried out in close-up, cinematic angles. It makes you truly feel like a Super Soldier in those epic moments, and each move is different; sometimes Cap will deal a roundhouse kick, other times his fist becomes a missile and rams into an enemy's face, other times his shield does the talking, leaving a powerful, metallic ringing sound on the air upon impact with an enemy's head. Of course, there are other exciting combat situations in the game, but I'll let you find out for yourself what they are.

The levels in Super Soldier are quite vast and open, encouraging exploration. They are highly detailed, and yet they lack an ever-present enemy presence, in which case you'll find yourself running around for a long time in-between fights and the like. Of course, in these seemingly boring and bare moments, you can take the opportunity to find collectibles that are scattered throughout the area. These collectibles range from stacks of enemy information folders, film reels, brief cases, statues, and other random items that give you points which will then enable you to unlock new combat moves and even earn trophies. Collecting these items can detour your main quest for some time, but they are necessary to advance Cap's stats and even unlock costumes.
Sometimes it's easy to get lost on your way to the next location on the map, which can slow down the pace of the action sequences, but it does add some realism to the world in which Cap is thrust into.

The graphics in Super Soldier aren't half-bad. Captain America looks just as great as he did in the movie, but his sleepy eyes make him look like he could care less about the situation at hand. The environments are highly detailed and the animations are nicely done. Cap has an array of moves that all look great, whether it's fighting soldiers or robots (yes, robots) or leaping from poles like a seasoned gymnast.

Overall, I think this is a good movie-based game.

So should you rent or buy this game? If you're a fan of Captain America, then I think you should buy it. I like the movie, and the game holds up well enough. And if you like Arkham City's combat style and super hero games in general, Super Soldier shouldn't disappoint you. It's not as in-depth as other games, but I had a fun time playing it nonetheless for what it was. I say give it a try.