Not a bad game. Can be a little to difficult.

User Rating: 6.2 | Capcom Fighting Evolution PS2
I played this game with and without the cheat codes. With out the cheat codes Shin Akuma beat he leaving hell out of my character. He was very quick and blocked all of my attacks or countered them. Pyron can be a very tough opponent as well. Special moves are hard to pull off. The game can be very fast and bright making it hard to see what your doing. Too bad you can use the controller to do the special move. In some games you can set it in the controls and just hit the button and it does the move. This to me is easier then having to do the same thing twice. Graphics suck! Some characters mouths look like they are bigger then their heads! lol Good news I guess is you can unlock items after you go thru the arcade mode with each character. If you have a bad controller or stick you're gonna have a bad day!