OK for a short romp in the West.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood PC
TrueScore: 7.6
Gameplay: 7.5
Graphics: 8.0
Audio: 7.5
Story: 7.5
FunFactor: 7.5

Call of Juarez is a decent enough shooter to waste about 10 hours in. The strongest aspect of the game is the setting - with the Wild West being depicted nicely throughout. The game-play is extremely linear, as to be expected, and the story is moderately entertaining. Level battles can be interesting, but perhaps a little too easy. Final boss battles ratchet up the difficulty, almost artificially at times. This resulted in easy progression, but hard boss battles, which might cause one to toggle the difficulty setting back and forth. I would have preferred a more balanced difficulty throughout. Each boss battle culminated in a quick-draw showdown - a mini-game that was more of a nuisance than a welcome feature. Every level consisted of the same type of progression sequence (easy henchmen battles, a more difficult boss battle, and a final quick draw duel), and by the end of the game it was just good to complete the story and get it over with. The game wasn't interesting enough to explore all of the extra features not directly tied to game-play.

In the end, Call of Juarez is an OK shooter, with the setting of the West being the strongest appeal.