Classic WW2 first person shooter for PC.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty PC
This game is pretty good judging by today's standards. The game takes you through three campaigns. One for the Americans, the British, and the Russians. You start off as an American who jumps in behind enemy lines before D-Day. You have to then fight with your teammates to secure villages and destroy anti-aircraft guns. You get to use a basic variety of World War era weapons like the Thompson and M1 Garand. One of the best features about this game is the huge, intense firefights. There can be as many at 30 -60 guys on screen at once, and you feel like you're in a real battle. Part of this is because the enemies are not always focusing on you, but as your NPC teammates as well.

The game came out around 4 years ago, but the graphics still hold up pretty well. There's not much too them, except the game looks awesome when there are 50 guys charging up a hill being shot up by MGs and blown to pieces by mortars.

The game sounds great when you turn the volume up loud. Having all the gunshots going off and the explosions helps immerse you into the game

The game isn't that great of a value. Most people can probably breeze through it in about 6-8 hours on regular. The multiplayer also isn't as engaging as a game like Battlefield 2's.

Needless to say, it's a fun game with some really memorable moments, and can run on probably any computer. You can find it for about $20 with its expansion so give it a try, you probably won't regret it.