Even four years after purchase, this is one of my favorite games!!

User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty PC
There has always been a game for WWII and this is no exception. There are other titles like Medal of Honor, but none of them compare to this game.

Graphics: 9/10 In 2003 these graphics were revolutionary, and today they are still great!

Sound: 10/10 When you play the game and someone shoots, you can almost tell what direction they are shooting from. There is almost no soundtrack at all but the voice acting and sound effects make up for more than enough.

Game play: 10/10 The gameplay in this is great! the controls are not hard to use at all and aiming is a breeze. The replay value is not the greatest but I have beaten the campain over several times, and the game gives you the option of going back and replaying your favorite levels. The best game play is in the multiplayer. Many people still play it and it is a great challenge and a lot of fun.

Difficulty: Not too bad. It took me a little while to get use to the enemy but then after that it was pretty easy. Except when you turn the difficulty to veteran, then the going gets tough.

Everything about this game is just wonderful. I play it just about everyday and it never gets old. If you love good FPS games then this is one you should not miss!